“Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
-Reinhold Niebuhr

Change can be hard, especially when it affects our health and independence—or that of our loved ones. The good news is that with proper lifestyle adjustments, including ongoing physical and cognitive stimulation, as well as purposeful activities, we can maintain our independence longer.
Life may look different than it once did, but there is still plenty of JOY to experience on the journey.
A Warm Welcome from Joyful Journey!
To aid you on your journey, we hope you will consider an adult day community that can offer wellness benefits tailored to your needs. At Joyful Journey Adult Day Service, located in West Lafayette, Indiana, your loved one will feel right at home as they make new Friends*, engage in meaningful activities, create art, and enjoy live music with the support of our professional, attentive Team.
*A Quick Note! Friends - People who attend Joyful Journey are referred to as our Friends. For example, we don’t have patients, participants, or attendees—we have Friends who come to visit.
To help illustrate this idea, we’d like to turn your focus to a Greek island whose inhabitants are a living example of our community model here at Joyful Journey.
It’s All Greek to Me
Ikaria, an island off the coast of Greece, has the longest life expectancy of anywhere in the world. Along with other islands like Okinawa and Sardinia, a large portion of Ikaria’s population live well into their 90s and 100s, with practically none of the physical and mental decline we see in the rest of the world.
When you look into the lives of the residents there, it’s easy to see why.
Physical Activity
The lush, natural setting throughout the island of Ikaria makes it necessary to walk everywhere—and most of the area is mountainous, meaning these folks are climbing hilly terrain successfully well into their 90s!

Studies show that moderate to vigorous exercise not only provides a stronger physique, but it also strengthens the memory and learning centers of the brain. You won’t necessarily walk miles at Joyful Journey, but our programs and our house are designed intentionally to promote mobility and physical fitness. In fact, we offer 2 hours of gross motor activity every day; some of our favorites are washer toss, ping pong, and seated aerobics. We also have 3 beautifully appointed, large activity rooms, which means your loved one has built-in moments to stretch their legs and walk throughout the day.
Maintaining Brain Health
Cognitive changes can become more apparent as your loved one settles into a less active routine post-retirement. However, there’s an increasing body of research that shows pursuing a hobby, learning something new, and remaining social can build cognitive resilience.
In Ikaria, there is no recognized age for retirement, which means islanders remain active in their careers and hobbies throughout their golden years. They also maintain social ties in their community; on the island there’s always time for conversation with a neighbor or local shopkeeper.
Similarly, at Joyful Journey, we get to know each person’s unique life story and then construct our activity schedule to include their hobbies and interests. We also include activities that our Friends may be unfamiliar with, so they regularly get to learn something new. Learning something new in our staff-supported environment ensures Friends feel a sense of discovery, some challenge, and ultimately success.
Another benefit to joining the Joyful Journey community is the opportunity to remain social even when cognitive impairment is a factor. As written in Joyful Journey’s Philosophy of Care, “We appreciate that our Friends have important histories and thoughts to share. It is our responsibility to offer the right environment plus time and encouragement, so their voices are heard the most.”
A Life of Purpose
Having a sense of purpose in life is integral to our humanity and is one of the main components of good health at any age. Just like the elders in Ikaria who stay active well into their 80s and 90s, the seniors in our community want and need to lead purposeful lives.

In the U.S., where people typically retire in their 60s, it can be difficult to figure out what our new purpose in life should be. At Joyful Journey, Friends rediscover their purpose by having a place to be and people who are looking forward to seeing them. Friends build relationships with each other based on trust, shared experiences, and laughter. Our Team encourages Friends to teach each other and share their unique stories and knowledge, providing each person with their moment to shine with pride.
The Joyful Difference
At Joyful Journey, we love hearing about communities like Ikaria that naturally encompass all of the values we seek to emulate with our Friends. Just like a loving, extended family, we cherish and uplift all who walk through our doors. Let us welcome your loved one to our community!
Contact Joyful Journey at (765) 607-6156 today for a tour!