For the Community and by the Community
Joyful Journey is a 501(c)3 not for profit, charitable organization.
Ways to Give
In-Kind Services
Do you have a professional service to donate? We’d like to speak with you!
- Contractor Repair Services
- Printing Services: logo apparel, media printing
- Marketing Specialist
- Computer Repair and Maintenance Technician
- Lawn & Landscape Services
Monetary Donations
All financial contributions to Joyful Journey are tax deductible. Each donation makes a difference in allowing affordable care for everyone.
What long lasting legacy would you like to provide to our community? Please contact Gerard Benner at [email protected]
For those families who wish to place Joyful Journey as a Memorial Recipient, a plaque has been designated: Celebrating the Life. Please contact Bess Witcosky, Director at [email protected] for self-addressed envelopes and further information.
Gifts of Donated Items
Please see our Wishlist for items. You are welcome to drop off items at our house Monday-Friday, 8:00 am to 5:30 pm. Please be sure to affix your name and address to your item. Please email us at [email protected] to inquire about items most needed currently.
Contact Mandi Clapp, Operations Director at [email protected] for information regarding volunteer opportunities.
Spread the JOY!
Our best advocate is YOU!
PayPal convenience reduces your donation by 2%. Checks made payable to Joyful Journey and sent to 600 Lindberg Rd, West Lafayette, IN 47906 are most appreciated.
Our Volunteer Philosophy
Volunteers are vital to our success. Their special skills and talents add variety, depth and quality to a day at Joyful Journey…for Friends, Staff and other Volunteers.
Our Volunteers are partners in our mission and will benefit from their time with us as much as we benefit from their contributions.
Volunteer Opportunities
Contact [email protected].
Click on the icons to the left for more information.
Personal Benefits of Volunteering
- Build new skills, helping you interact with family or friends with cognitive and physical challenges
- Feel the satisfaction of helping us be successful in our mission; help make our community a great place to live
- Improve your own health and sense of well-being
- Opportunity to teach and share your skills and knowledge with Staff and Friends
- Gain work experience, receive school credit and/or fulfill community service requirements
Joyful Journey is a real house serving and caring for many people throughout the day. As with any house, we are constantly replenishing our supplies. You can help by donating needed items: