Music and Memory Certified Care Organization

Joyful Journey is MUSIC & MEMORY (M&M) certified, offering individualized, personalized music to our Friends. Those Friends who would benefit from this very special form of music therapy are provided an iPod with his/her own personal music playlist loaded onto it. With help from Friend’s family members, Staff and Volunteers, our M&M Team will tailor your loved one's music to bring them JOY and REMEMBRANCE. Joyful Journey is the only M&M Certified adult day service provider in Indiana.
Oliver Sacks, M.D. is a physician, a best-selling author, and a professor of neurology at the NYU School of Medicine. He has researched and written extensively about the power of music in creating meaningful days for people with dementia. At Joyful Journey, we understand the power of music and have implemented the Music & Memory program to help Friends enjoy music AND cue the stories tucked away in long-term memories.
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